Make new friends, but keep the old – one is silver and the other hits GOLD! Networking Matters. ROI Results NOVEMBER 5, 2014 POSTED IN ABBES SPARKS As marketers and promoters of all things, it’s a given that networking is an integral part of our everyday life. How to network and capitalize on those […]
Tag: facebook
Originally posted in ABBE’S SPARKS for Empowering social media marketing can greatly affect change for social good initiatives. The inspiration for this week’s blog comes while in NYC at The 2014 Social Good Summit #2030NOW. There are many forms of social good and good in general; even more marcom vehicles at our disposal to […]
FROM SOCIAL TO SALE: FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND PINTEREST EXPAND INTO E-COMMERCE Business Monday, July 21st, 2014 Nicole Brown E-commerce is the next big frontier for social media companies. Here’s how Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest plan to own social sales. (more)
Social Media News from Mashable Chris Taylor Mashable 14 hours ago Hey, bosses who block employees from using social media at work: You’re doing it wrong.That’s one conclusion that can be drawn from new data on the workplace by Evolv, a startup that monitors hundreds of metrics from Fortune 500 companies. Not only has Evolv determined that […]
THREE NEWTON’S GO UNCOVERED EACH DAY: CAN COMMUNICATORS BRING CHANGE? (click this headline to see video) DOUG SIMON, President & CEO of D S SIMON PRODUCTIONS, wonders what those in the communication space can do to address the issue of gun violence. The horrors of the slaughter of innocent children and school personnel have understandably shocked the […]
Facebook Adds COO Sandberg To Board, Naming First Woman Director By Brian Womack – Jun 25, 2012 8:01 PM CT Facebook Inc. (FB), facing criticism for a lack of diversity on its board, appointed Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg as its first female director. “Sheryl has been my partner in running Facebook,” Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement […]