Awareness Months March Awareness Socially Sparked!

March Ignites Awareness for Women, Nutrition, Reading +

March ignites for a multitude of awareness initiatives: Women’s History Month, Nutrition, Reading, Brain Injury, Music in Our Schools and so many more. We highlight a few annual campaigns. WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Women’s History Month celebrates women and their accomplishments. This year’s theme: “Valiant Women of the Vote” celebrates the women who have fought for a […]

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Chicago’s Emanuel Launches Plan to Help At-Risk Kids

Emanuel launches plan to raise $50 million to help at-risk kids BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter February 20, 2013 12:22AM Updated: February 20, 2013 2:19AM Mayor Rahm Emanuel is challenging a business community that bankrolled Millennium Park, the NATO Summit and Chicago’s failed Olympic bid to raise $50 million over five years for a higher […]

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Communicators Can Affect Political & Social Change in Gun Violence Issue

THREE NEWTON’S GO UNCOVERED EACH DAY: CAN COMMUNICATORS BRING CHANGE? (click this headline to see video) DOUG SIMON, President & CEO of D S SIMON PRODUCTIONS, wonders what those in the communication space can do to address the issue of gun violence. The horrors of the slaughter of innocent children and school personnel have understandably shocked the […]