March ignites for a multitude of awareness initiatives: Women’s History Month, Nutrition, Reading, Brain Injury, Music in Our Schools and so many more. We highlight a few annual campaigns. WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Women’s History Month celebrates women and their accomplishments. This year’s theme: “Valiant Women of the Vote” celebrates the women who have fought for a […]
Category: Socially Sparked!
A monthly blog about our society and the people, places and things that Spark our lives by making a huge impact
February sparks colorful love in awareness observances for many fabulous health and social justice causes. It’s the month of Love; the awareness month for Black History, Heart Disease, Stroke, Teenage Dating Violence and more — guaranteed to get you Socially Sparked®. Awareness Weeks in February spotlight Burn Awareness (2/4-10); Random Acts of Kindness (2/11-17) and […]
November ignites awareness for Diabetes, Giving Tuesday, Health, Writing and more. We give thanks this month on Thanksgiving Day and Giving Tuesday, but November is also host to many more wonderful awareness observances in the health, arts and social arenas. Health observances include National Diabetes Awareness Month and No-Shave November. Social issue initiatives include Adaption Awareness […]
Bravo to Publicists everywhere for its National Publicist Day. A rare occasion that honors the usually behind-the-scenes celebrity-makers, brand-makers, influencers and the like. Let’s hear it for Publicists everywhere. What is a publicist, you say? Publicist (def): A publicist is a person whose job it is to generate and manage publicity for a company, brand, […]

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar Why do women roar for equality? It is incredulous that in 2017, this question still needs to be answered. But, after a recent personal encounter with a millennial young woman, I realized the importance of reiterating to the masses of men and women why women roar for equality. Our […]

June shines awareness on Environment, Summer Fests, Gay Pride and more. It’s the month to celebrate the official onset of Summer — fathers, weddings and events galore. Here are five top June Events to know. 5 Top June Summer Events to Know National Safety Month (NSC) — Each year […]

April finale showers unity today for International Jazz Day. A fitting ending to the month of Jazz Appreciation. April 30th marks the sixth annual International Jazz Day highlighting the virtues of jazz as an educational tool and a force for peace, unity, dialogue and enhanced cooperation among people. The intent of jazz day is to foster greater […]
Fabulous February Awareness Fabulous February awareness is the month for Love, Black History, Heart Disease, Cancer and Teen Dating Violence awareness, to name a few. Holidays this month include Valentines Day and President’s Day. Awareness days include National Girls and Women in Sports Day; Give Kids A Smile Day and Love Your Pet Day. Awareness […]
Celebrate January Awareness Months and Causes January brings us many important health awareness months, cause campaigns and celebrations. Healthy observances include: Cervical Cancer Screening Month; Thyroid Disease Awareness Month and National Health Awareness Month for Blood Donor Awareness; Birth Defects Awareness, and Glaucoma Awareness. Celebrate January’s causes: National Slavery and Human Trafficking Month, National Mentoring […]

We’re getting down to the roots deep in Muddy Waters with award-winning guitarist/vocalist Bob Margolin for a crystal clear picture of the man, his music and his vision. Coming off the heels of his new album “My Road,” and receiving two Blues Blast Magazine Awards in 2016 — Best Male Blues Artist and Best Traditional […]