Promising clinical trial that could lead to treatments to prevent Alzheimer’s, people who are genetically guaranteed to develop the disease-but who do not yet have any symptoms—will for the first time be given a drug intended to stop it, federal officials announced Tuesday.
Category: Philanthropically Speaking
This diabetes education, treatment and awareness program is a community health initiative at its best, Committed to providing greater access to comprehensive diabetes care and education for medically underserved patients in Lake County, the Auxiliary at NorthShore Highland Park Hospital, through its annual appeal, has donated nearly $700,000 to this initiative. To donate, contact The […]
Only 3 more days to shop at the Alcove Gift Shop for Mother’s Day while supporting your local hospital. A fundraising arm of the Auxiliary at NorthShore Highland Park Hospital, the Alcove’s proceeds benefit health programs at the Hospital. Fabulous merchandise! Stop in & shop. Highland Park Hospital. 777 Park Ave, HP. Complimentary valet parking
Opening night reception of Bradley S. Weiss’ photo exhibition at Chicago’s Mars Gallery benefiting Rush University Medical Center to thank and honor their Movement Disorder Group & Neurosurgical Teams for treating Brad’s Parkinson’s Disease and giving him his life back! Music by The Sidecars, a jazzy sound with a south American edge. Catering by Highland […]
Love the entertainment industry’s new initiative to support our vets! #mce_temp_url##mce_temp_url#
Wednesday, April 18 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.Equinox Fitness Club, 799 Central Avenue Tel: 847-926-5003 Join The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) at Highland Park Hospital for “Wine, Cheese and Wellness: An Evening of Integrative Medicine & Women’s Health.” Leslie Mendoza-Temple, MD, Medical Director of NorthShore’s Integrative Medicine Program, and Patricia Piant, MSTOM, […]
MEDIA ALERT Seeking Memorabilia for The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem at Highland Park Hospital Help Retrace 90 Years of Auxiliary History in Our Community! HIGHLAND PARK, IL (November 15, 2010) – The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) at Highland Park Hospital is in search of memorabilia spanning 90 years. As […]
Susan Rose Blauner, award-winning Suicide Prevention Specialist and Author of How I Stayed Alive When My Brain Was Trying To Kill Me: One Person’s Guide to Suicide Prevention, William Morrow & Co./Quill Paperbacks, is the featured guest speaker at the Reel Mind Film Series’ special 30th Anniversary screening of the Academy Award-winning film Ordinary People on Nov. 2, 7 pm at the Cinema Theatre, 957 Clinton Avenue. Blauner’s appearance at the Reel Mind series will kick off her national SAVING LIVES TOUR (SAVING LIVES);
Key To The Cure
The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem at Highland Park Hospital, in support of Kellogg Cancer Center invites you to Saks Fifth Avenue’s Key To The Cure Event October 21, 5-8pm