June 8, 2012 By Pat Milhizer — pmilhizer@lbpc.com Law Bulletin staff writer Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Bradley Weiss prosecuted government contractors accused of fraud in Washington, D.C., in 1999 when he developed Parkinson’s disease after a toxic injection during nasal surgery. He moved home to Chicago and eventually became of counsel at Miner, Barnhill & Galland P.C. […]
Tag: Parkinson’s
Brilliant Litigation Attorney Stricken with Parkinson’s Disease Turns Professional Artistic Photojournalist with Debut of His Photos at Chicago’s Mars Gallery Thursday, June 7, 2012 Portion of art proceeds to benefit The Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Program at Rush University Medical Center as a thank you o the doctors for giving Bradley his life back […]
Opening night reception of Bradley S. Weiss’ photo exhibition at Chicago’s Mars Gallery benefiting Rush University Medical Center to thank and honor their Movement Disorder Group & Neurosurgical Teams for treating Brad’s Parkinson’s Disease and giving him his life back! Music by The Sidecars, a jazzy sound with a south American edge. Catering by Highland […]