Only 3 more days to shop at the Alcove Gift Shop for Mother’s Day while supporting your local hospital. A fundraising arm of the Auxiliary at NorthShore Highland Park Hospital, the Alcove’s proceeds benefit health programs at the Hospital. Fabulous merchandise! Stop in & shop. Highland Park Hospital. 777 Park Ave, HP. Complimentary valet parking
Tag: hospital
Opening night reception of Bradley S. Weiss’ photo exhibition at Chicago’s Mars Gallery benefiting Rush University Medical Center to thank and honor their Movement Disorder Group & Neurosurgical Teams for treating Brad’s Parkinson’s Disease and giving him his life back! Music by The Sidecars, a jazzy sound with a south American edge. Catering by Highland […]
Wednesday, April 18 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.Equinox Fitness Club, 799 Central Avenue Tel: 847-926-5003 Join The Auxiliary of NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) at Highland Park Hospital for “Wine, Cheese and Wellness: An Evening of Integrative Medicine & Women’s Health.” Leslie Mendoza-Temple, MD, Medical Director of NorthShore’s Integrative Medicine Program, and Patricia Piant, MSTOM, […]