5 Steps to Effective Self-Branding MAY 13, 2015 POSTED IN ABBES SPARKS Last week, I talked about finding time to brand your agency or self. (Branding Me: A Matter of Time) This week, I elaborate on self-branding by offering tips on how to compile a checklist for a small to medium-size agency’s and/or individual practitioner’s […]
Tag: promotion
Stealing Time to Self-Brand
Branding Me: A Matter of Time MAY 1, 2015 POSTED IN ABBES SPARKS Clients and Family First, What About Me, Me, Myself and I? – Promoting Thyself or Thy Agency Promoting and Branding yourself or your agency is essential to every marcom professional’s business –whether an individual practitioner oragency owner – from acquiring new accounts […]
Sponsorships, Sizzle and Sales
Originally Posted February 19, 2015 in ABBE’S SPARKS FOR RFPALOOZA Sponsorship, Sizzle & Sales FEBRUARY 19, 2015 POSTED IN ABBES SPARKS Event and non-profit marketers know that their party is not complete unless they tie-in sponsors – whether for VIP gift bags, a much needed cash infusion or additional WOM and buzz. Sponsorship is […]
Share the Love with a Car and a Cause
Share the Love: A Car and a Cause JANUARY 7, 2015 POSTED IN ABBES SPARKS @ RFPALOOZA.COM The inspiration for today’s blog post comes from my personal car shopping experience in December 2014. Brands and charities forging marketing partnerships is commonplace today, and the auto industry is in the forefront of this trend. The end of […]
Big Companies Are Adapting to Social Media Marketing More large companies are using social media to promote their brand online, according to a report from the Center for Marketing Research (CMR) at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. That’s quite a change from last year’s report, which found use of social media at big companies waning. The newest […]
Bon Appétit, part of the Condé Nast Publications division of Advance Publications, and the retailer Banana Republic, part of Gap Inc. along with OpenTable, the online restaurant reservation service, are teaming up to promote a new apparel collection coming from Banana Republic called Desk to Dinner.
Those two brands are working together, along with OpenTable, the online restaurant reservation service, to promote a new apparel collection coming from Banana Republic called Desk to Dinner. The clothes, as the name suggests, are intended to be versatile enough to be worn from a day at the office to a night out to eat.